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AMSOIL Quickshot® Offers a Simple Solution to Ethanol Problems

AMSOIL Quickshot® Offers a Simple Solution to Ethanol Problems

One of our best sellers here in Sioux Falls.  Keep it for your garage fuel tanks. Fights varnish, attacks deposits and stabilizes fuel in addition to the ethanol problem. Award winning product that  – yes – ACTUALLY WORKS!

Fuel maintenance is a big issue, whether you own a motorcycle, dirt bike, boat, lawnmower or other piece of equipment. Currently, most gasoline sold in the U.S. contains up to 10 percent ethanol (E10), while gasoline containing up to 15 percent (E15) is now available at stations around the country.

Phase separation is when ethanol/water mixtures fall to the bottom of fuel tanks and containers, leading to potentially damaging lean-burn conditions.

Ethanol can causes problems

Because ethanol has an affinity for water, you need to be aware of the conditions in which you operate your equipment. Powersports and lawn & garden equipment should not be stored in damp or wet environments. When water is allowed to collect in the gas tank, the bond between ethanol and gasoline can break, causing a phenomenon known as phase separation.

The ethanol bonds with the water and sinks to the bottom of the fuel tank, which can create a whole host of problems, including the formation of gums, varnish and other insoluble debris that can plug fuel passages and negatively affect engine performance. When this ethanol/water mixture is pulled into the engine, it creates a lean-burn situation that increases combustion-chamber temperatures and can lead to engine damage. Once this happens there is no easy or inexpensive fix. To avoid these problems, contaminated fuel tanks should be emptied and refilled with fresh fuel.

Prevention is best practice

Alternatively, treat fuel with AMSOIL Quickshot® as a preventative measure to avoid rough-running equipment and other performance issues. Quickshot is designed to keep water dispersed throughout the fuel tank, moving it out as a normal part of operation and decreasing the chance of phase separation.

Not only that, Quickshot helps clean deposits that have formed in fuel systems, injectors and carburetors, while also cleaning piston tops, spark plugs and combustion chambers. It also stabilizes fuel between uses and during short-term storage.

Unlike many competing fuel additives, Quickshot is extremely potent and not diluted. It provides effective cleaning action, making it an all-around great product for powersports and lawn & garden equipment.

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Perfect Pairing:Signature Series Motor Oil and Ea® Oil Filters

Perfect Pairing:Signature Series Motor Oil and Ea® Oil Filters

 Combining premium motor oil with a premium oil filter is necessary for total engine protection.

Complete engine protection is a team sport. The long-term effectiveness of a quality motor oil is often hindered by poor filtration. At the same time, the superior capabilities of a premium oil filter remain unrealized when combined with a sub-par motor oil. A pairing of top-quality oil and filtration is required for best results, especially with the advanced technology found in modern vehicles.

Protecting the Latest Technology

Variable Valve Timing (VVT)

The majority of vehicles rolling off the assembly line today feature variable valve timing (VVT). Every component in the system must function properly in order to advance or retard valve timing at the correct intervals. The solenoid pictured, from a 3.5L Ford* EcoBoost* engine, contains openings .007 of an inch across, which is about the thickness of two sheets of paper. The slightest amount of deposits in these openings can restrict oil flow and negatively affect the system.

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil resists deposits and sludge, while the superior efficiency of Ea Oil Filters traps and holds any existing deposits that could compromise VVT components. ­


Turbochargers are predicted to be in most new passenger cars/light trucks by 2020. This technology increases engine efficiency and performance, but at the cost of elevated engine temperatures. Low-quality motor oil increases the risk for high-temperature bearing deposits that lead to reduced turbocharger performance or failure.

Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil protects against harmful deposits on turbochargers 4X better than Mobil 1® Extended Performance and 3.6X better than Royal Purple® in industry-standard testing**. AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters are engineered to maintain the higher oil flow rate of modern engines, sending the appropriate amount of filtered oil to the turbocharger’s vital bearing. Bearing clearances, in general, have become tighter, making filter efficiency even more important to prevent engine damage.

Tag Team Protection

Working in tandem, AMSOIL Signature Series Motor Oil and AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters provide complete engine protection. Signature Series Motor Oil withstands the rigors of extreme heat and resists deposits and sludge, while Ea Oil Filters provide the capacity and efficiency that today’s advanced engine components require.

The Long Run

Turbochargers and VVT systems are here to stay. AMSOIL products are uniquely positioned to meet the challenges they present.
Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil

  • Provides 75 percent more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear than required by a leading industry standard ***
  • Maximum cleanliness
  • Exceptional extreme-temperature protection

AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters

  • Filtering efficiency of 98.7 percent at 20 microns
  • Greater capacity than competing filter brands
  • Maximum efficiency without restricting flow
  • Extended service life


VVT solenoids often contain tiny oil-flow passages that can easily clog with deposits if maintenance is neglected or low-quality oil or filters are used.

*All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are developed by AMSOIL for use in the applications shown.

**Based on independent, third-party testing of AMSOIL® Signature Series 5W-30, Mobil1® Extended Performance 5W-30 and Royal Purple® API 5W-30 in the ASTM D6335 bench test required by the API SN Resource Conserving specification.

***Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30, in ASTM D7320 as required by API SN specification.