Our Main Sioux Falls Sales outlet is inside of Stan Houston’s on W. 12th St.

When you enter the door go to the center right side of the building next to the parts counter. If you don’t see what you need we can stock it. Just call us at 605-274-2580. We do stock 75% of the line so we want to hear from you!

Stan Houston for Amsoil Sioux Falls on W. 12th St

How to reach us

We love to answer your questions or furnish any price quotes based on your needs or just call 605-274-2580.

AMSOIL products are just a phone call away as we ship daily so if you are outside of the area no sweat! We use Speedee Delivery in the upper Midwestern states. No one can beat their rates. I use UPS for others using AMSOIL’s warehouses (Just $14 flat rate and free after $400 in product).

ADDRESS: Our 2nd location is 47073 98th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Easy to find. I29 to Exit 73 then we are NE of that intersection just behind the Marlins east parking area. You simply make a left off of the highway on to Albers then at the 4-way stop turn left. We are the 3rd building on your left. Orange stripe and look for the AMSOIL van.

Just Search Google: “Synthetic Warehouse Sioux Falls” and you will see our Google Local listing with map, updated hours, etc..

If you joined as a AMSOIL Preferred Customer, only our Tea exit location will honor those prices.

AMSOIL dealer Sioux Falls Synthetic Warehouse location near the Tea Exit

Store Hours:

Tuesday Through Friday 8:30 to 6PM
Thursday 7:30 to 5:30
Saturday: 9 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday and Monday – Closed