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Quality products are the result of focused effort.

This blog entry will be a posting from AMSOIL’s technical development VP – Dan Peterson. Dan is one of the people behind the exciting direction AMSOIL is taking in the enthusiast market.

Dan Peterson - AMSOIL Technical Development

AMSOIL’s Dan Peterson.

AMSOIL is a very fortunate company as we have many loyal customers. I can only guess at all the reasons why people keep coming back to AMSOIL. Maybe it is because they
like the outstanding service they get from their AMSOIL Dealers. Or maybe it is due to the range of products or the personal, hometown service they receive from AMSOIL corporate. It could also have something to do with the commitment from AMSOIL
to always provide the best value available anywhere. When you buy AMSOIL products, you know you are always going to get the best. I am happy that we provide a combination
of reasons for customers to come back again and again. You can call me old-fashioned or naive, but I think people keep coming back because AMSOIL stands apart from this world full of gimmicks, get-rich-quick schemes and heretoday, gone-tomorrow unbelievable
claims. AMSOIL is simply devoted to delivering the best value possible, day in and day out. I would like to have a list of AMSOIL-like companies so I wouldn’t have to search around for who makes the best stuff and who I can count on for the long term.

Since I am the technology guy, I would like to focus on the value that we strive to build into new and reformulated products. Customers buy products based on their perception of the value they will receive from a product and how the product’s benefits compare to the
product’s cost. And there are a lot of choices out there, so your proposition has to continually be better than the next guy’s or you won’t stay in business. So how do we go about continually building new value into AMSOIL products? It starts with Al’s commitment to be the best. This does not mean that we have only one motor oil and it is the best in the world; it means that whether it is OE, XL, European Car Formula or Signature Series, we are committed to being the best in that category. When someone
chooses an AMSOIL product, that customer can be confident it provides the best value possible.

So what special skills do we have that allow us to continually create the best value in each category? Can’t anyone do this? Well, I didn’t grow up in the big city, but it seems to me
that if you are always striving to meet only the minimum requirements while making the most money possible, you get pretty good at making the most money possible on products that barely meet the minimum technical requirements. It is very different at AMSOIL. We are never going to have the cheapest products on the market, and that’s a good thing when you are counting on a thin film of oil to keep your $40,000 new car running
for the next 15 years. We start with a different challenge: How do we make products that significantly exceed technical requirements at a price point that customers can afford.
If you start with this challenge in mind, you get pretty good at making products that significantly exceed minimum technical requirements at an affordable price.

By always pushing the limits of what can be done technically, we can break barriers and build new value into products that couldn’t be done if we focused solely on cost optimization. One of these new plateaus was recently reached at AMSOIL with the first successful double-length sequence IIIG test.
This is an engine test used for API licensing. It runs in a very severe set of conditions, including high oil temperatures and exhaust gas contamination for 100 hours. It tests
the ability of the motor oil to resist thickening and keep the engine clean. Our Signature Series 5W-30 product was tested in a planned double-length test (200 hours) to see if it could reach this summit. Not only did it pass, it did so with flying colors. You can expect to see the results from this test in the very near future. We do not know of a commercially available motor oil that has ever reached this mark. Not that they would be striving toward this goal if they are continually getting really good at making more money by meeting the minimum requirements.

Note – Since Mr. Peterson wrote this the Sequence IIIG test has been published. You can see the results by following this AMSOIL Technical Test Link to the 5W-30 Signature Series Test – OR see all the recent published performance tests using this link.

AMSOIL Knowledge Base & Commitment to Excellence

I go to the AMSOIL HQ in the Twin Ports cities of Duluth/Superior at least once every year. There we have three to five days to pick up on industry trends, hear from suppliers, tour the latest plant/lab/research facilities and meet with the corporate staff.
Their purpose is to show us the how, why and what they are doing to stay ahead of the industry, never compromising on quality and of course the changing trends in the lubricants world.

Occasionally we hear from suppliers and they also tell us we should have no worries that AMSOIL will lose their lead in the marketplace as even the largest names in lubricants outsource almost all research involving evolving markets and as new chemistries are found. They simply don’t have the type of staff needed to keep up with AMSOIL’s 43 years of trend setting. AMSOIL doesn’t wait or rely on supplier “Trending Seminars” to know which direction they need to go..

It’s important for the customer to know that AMSOIL is focused on being the most reliable and ready to meet any need within the automotive enthusiast market. Just like communications technology, when you buy AMSOIL products you don’t have to worry if the grease is up to the latest standard for your excavating equipment or if the 2-cycle outboard oil will be honored by your warranty.

Ford, Chrysler, GM and European cars now all have models which call for a specific viscosity or manufacturer specification which is not part of the norm and must be followed. We also cover these specifics as well. In fact, we are willing to say that your vehicle will perform better and parts will last longer than when using the OEM labeled product.

If you are looking to buy in our Sioux Falls store and have specific questions I can save you some time. Call me directly and I can help you know what to look for before you arrive. My direct number is 605-274-2580. As for product info AMSOIL’s website has a great resource for looking up products. Use this link to open the tables and cross-reference pages for all vehicles and equipment.

If you are not in the immediate area you can order at wholesale via AMSOIL’s preferred Customer membership program which also saves you 20 to 30% off and you can use it in the store to save more as long as you join under the above link. Another option is to call 1-800-579-0580 as we use Speedee Delivery and can ship anywhere in the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois for about 40% less than UPS plus you will save the sales tax.

Thank you once again for reading our AMSOIL Dealer blog and hope to hear from you!!

Ches Cain