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It Ain’t Easy Being Green

It Ain’t Easy Being Green

AMSOIL INC. is headquartered in the land of 10,000 lakes. Imagine clean, blue water, pine trees for days, and wildlife that roams free. It is a beautiful place and we do our best to not take it for granted.

Earth Day is a great time to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful place and work for such an environmentally friendly company.

We are proud of our environmental stewardship and know that being a green and clean company is good for business and essential for the future of the Earth and our company.

The AMSOIL Center

We maintain a rigorous recycling program throughout our corporate facilities where we recycle the majority of materials we use, including:

  • Corrugated liner board (cardboard)
  • Used drums
  • Pallets
  • Clean plastic bottles
  • Office and glossy paper
  • Aluminum and glass
  • Computer equipment
  • Batteries, light bulbs, oil filters and more

Less than 10 percent of the waste AMSOIL generates ends up in the landfill, and the 400,000-sq. ft. AMSOIL Center produces only one dumpster load of waste every six weeks.

We use residual production oil to heat our facility in the winter, reducing energy costs. We have a high-efficiency roof and use Big Ass Fans to move massive amounts of air quietly and efficiently. In addition, we converted a large section of the asphalt parking lot at the AMSOIL Center to green space. Our Environmental Management System is also registered to the ISO 14001:2004 standard, providing third-party confirmation that we’re actively measuring and seeking to improve our environmental impact.

AMSOIL Products

Our dedication to the environment lies at the heart of how we operate our facilities in Superior, Wis., but it is also instilled in our products.

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is guaranteed for 25,000 miles/700 hours of operation/one year, whichever comes first, in normal service (15,000 miles/700 hours/one year in severe service). By safely extending oil-change intervals, Signature Series dramatically reduces waste oil. If every passenger car/light truck in America practiced extended drain intervals using Signature Series, up to 35.7 billion quarts of oil would be eliminated from the supply stream.

HP Marine Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil offers a unique combination of high performance and low aquatic toxicity. Testing developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reveals a 100 percent survival rate of Daphnia Magna neonates (water fleas) and fathead minnows exposed to increasing concentrations of HP Marine mixed in water. With HP Marine, you’re taking care of your equipment and the environment.

SABER Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil features low smoke, low-odor and low toxicity, producing fewer emissions at a 100:1 mix ratio than other oil mixed at 50:1. Equipment operators subjected to smoke and fumes benefit from these low-emission properties.

AMSOIL Low-Toxicity Antifreeze & Coolant is made with propylene glycol, a biodegradable chemical that is easier to recycle than its ethylene-glycol counterparts. Its low toxicity limits poisoning risk.

What You Can Do

The used oil from one oil change can contaminate 1 million gallons of fresh water – a year’s supply for 50 people. So don’t forget to recycle your used oil container and used oil. To find local recycling options near you, visit Earth 911 or call 1-800-CLEANUP. Recycling just two gallons of used oil can generate enough electricity to run the average household for nearly 24 hours.

And, obviously, you can use AMSOIL products to help reduce waste oil, increase fuel economy and reduce harmful exhaust emissions.

Combat Cold Temperature Effects on Vehicles

AMSOIL addresses cold weather issues – Results beyond expectations

Vehicle maintenance is an important part of preparing for winter months. Extreme winter weather can make breakdowns especially dangerous, and most people aren’t aware of the effect cold weather has on conventional lubricants.

Amsoil delivery carAn oil’s cold-temperature performance refers to its ability to flow when the engine is cold, or below typical operating temperature (212°F), and not simply to what feels cold to humans – warm summer days are also cold to an engine. Startup lubrication is directly affected by a lubricant’s cold flow ability, and the impact is felt at higher temperatures than most consumers would think. For example, in early 1991, General Motors halted sales of the Corvette ZR-1. Eight engines had seized at its Bowling Green, Ky. assembly plant. The temperature had only dipped to slightly below freezing and, at startup, hard-to-pump motor oil did not reach the front camshaft bearings and they were destroyed by lack of lubrication. GM responded by requiring the use of synthetic oil in the Corvette.
Note: We suggest for optimum results use the Signature Series products such as the 5W-30 for best performance. Our 100% synthetic technology compared to other “synthetics” has performance equivalent to a tune up or another expensive mod.

Motor Oil

Most engine wear occurs at startup. Cold temperatures can render oil so thick it cannot flow through narrow passageways to protect critical components, increasing wear. The paraffins in conventional oil only worsen the problem. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils contain no paraffin, remaining fluid in frigid winter temperatures (down to -63°F) for easier starting, improved oil flow and excellent bearing protection. Their unique synthetic formulations allow them to flow in extreme cold and maintain high film strength in extreme heat for outstanding all-season protection.

Transmission Fluid

Transmission fluids are also affected by cold temperatures. Since transmission fluid’s ability to flow does not directly impact a vehicle’s ability to start, cold-temperature transmission fluid performance is not foremost in the minds of consumers. It is affected, however, and does impact performance and wear. Automatic transmissions can shift harder in the cold, but changes in transmission performance brought on by cold temperatures are usually more pronounced for drivers who operate manual transmissions. As transmission fluid thickens in the cold, the synchronizers in manual transmissions cannot spin as quickly as they need to, which can severely impact the driver’s ability to shift until the fluid is warmed enough to provide proper flow – and protection.

AMSOIL transmission fluids are wax-free and deliver extraordinary cold-flow properties. They help improve shift response, energy efficiency and warm-up times.

Gear Lube

Gear lubricants with high viscosity at cold temperatures are less efficient and the gears require more energy to turn, resulting in reduced fuel economy. Gears and bearings in the differential and axle housing are splash-lubricated, and gear lubricants that are too thick at cold temperatures can starve internal components of lubrication, which can cause failure.

AMSOIL synthetic gear lubes’ wax-free construction improves cold-flow properties for maximum fuel economy and smooth cold-weather operation.

Diesel Fuel

As the temperature drops, the wax naturally found in diesel fuel begins to crystallize. The point at which wax crystals form is known as the cloud point. These wax crystals eventually clog the fuel filter and starve the engine of fuel, preventing it from starting. While low-quality fuels may form wax crystals in temperatures as warm as 40ºF (4ºC), most fuels have a cloud point near 32ºF (0ºC). The point at which the crystals clog the fuel filter is known as the cold filter-plugging point (CFPP).

AMSOIL Diesel Cold Flow lowers the CFPP by up to 20ºF (15ºC) in ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD). It uses a jet-fuel-type deicer that disperses water to control ice formation throughout the fuel system. AMSOIL Diesel Cold Flow inhibits wax crystal formation, allowing fuel to flow to the engine more easily and improving diesel engine reliability in cold temperatures. AMSOIL Diesel Recovery quickly liquefies gelled diesel fuel and thaws frozen fuel filters in engines that haven’t been treated with Diesel Cold Flow.

Visit the Sioux Falls AMSOIL motor oil store at 4610 W. 12th for the best lubricants found in this great city!



And for your Cooling System – Did you know?

AMSOIL Dominator® Coolant Boost significantly reduces engine warm-up times in cold weather. You can enjoy warm air from your vehicle’s heater faster on cold winter days by adding Coolant Boost to the radiator.