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Exploring Causes of Motor Oil Consumption

What Causes Motor Oil Consumption?

amsoil marketing ed newmanEd Newman|


Everyone who owns a vehicle knows you need to regularly check the oil level. (Note: If you do not know this, you’d better go check your oil. and Check your tires too!!

Sioux Falls drivers check often for signs of oil consumptionA certain amount of oil loss is normal due to motor oil volatility – that is, boil-off due to the high-heat conditions inside an engine. I once attended two days of training at a quick lube (part of a major oil company chain) wherein they showed how their conventional oil lost up to 30 percent of its weight and their synthetic only 12 percent in a volatility test. It drove home the message I’d already adopted that synthetics were more resistant to oil consumption than conventional oils. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are even more resistant to volatility. (Read about AMSOIL performance in the NOACK Volatility Test.)

Volatility isn’t the only reason you need to replenish your oil supply now and then. The problem of abnormal oil usage is far more complicated and, in fact, most of the causes are mechanical, not lubricant-related at all.

One of the major causes is engine leaks. An AMSOIL technical service bulletin titled “The Reasons for Motor Oil Consumption” says:

Some of the many points where external oil leaks may occur include oil lines, crankcase drain plug, oil-pan gasket, valve-cover gaskets, oil-pump gasket, fuel-pump gasket, timing case cover and camshaft bearing seal. No possible source of leakage should be neglected because even a very small leak can cause extremely high oil consumption. For example, it has been estimated that a leak of one drop of oil every 20 feet is approximately equal to a loss of one quart of oil every 100 miles. One way to check for external leaks is to road test the vehicle with a large piece of light-colored cloth tied under the engine. Oil on the cloth will indicate a leak, which should be traced to its source.

I recently burned a lot of cash trying to get an oil leak fixed. The first task is accurately locating the source of the leak. The problem may be front or rear main bearing seals, worn or damaged main bearings, worn or damaged connecting rod bearings, worn or damaged camshaft bearings, worn crankshaft journals, distorted cylinders, worn ring grooves, cracked or broken ring lands, problems with the wrist pins, clogged oil passages or even unequal tightening of bolts.

Sometimes a defective cooling system can cause engine overheating, which may result in localized hot spots in some of the cylinders that can lead to scuffing and scoring of cylinders, pistons and rings, resulting in high oil consumption.

If you really want to sink your teeth into it, causes for oil consumption can include too much oil in the crankcase, worn or broken piston rings, improper valve timing, incorrect oil pressure, piston slap, an internal gasket intake breach, spark knock, aftermarket performance chips and modifications, lugging engines, inappropriate operation of overdrive, leaking turbocharger seals, a restricted air intake and fuel dilution.

In short, few things are as simple as they might initially appear. When all is said and done, however, even though there may be multiple reasons for oil loss, in a mechanically sound engine it boils down to one: oil volatility. In this matter, synthetic motor oil provides better resistance to oil consumption. If you have a mechanically sound engine, you should be using synthetic oil to reduce oil consumption and to protect your investment. In addition to reduced oil usage, synthetics can reduce emissions and improve fuel economy.

During my three decades of writing about oil, I’ve always recommended a synthetic solution.

Local note: From our Sioux Falls store staff we hope you enjoy Ed’s blog. We will be posting more from his decades in the industry. It’s our quest to serve and inform Sioux Falls drivers and auto enthusiasts to the highest degree and always provide products which not only out perform but solve problems just the same.

Can I Use Diesel Oil in My Gas Engine?

Thoughts on using Diesel Oils in Gasoline Engines

It’s common for some owners of gasoline-powered vehicles to favor diesel oils over their gasoline counterparts.

An article from AMSOIL’s Blog by John Baker

The simple answer: Yes, provided the diesel oil meets the appropriate specifications and viscosity requirements of your engine. For example, if your gas engine calls for a motor oil that meets the API SN specification, you can safely use a diesel oil of the correct viscosity that meets the API SN spec. For the typical gasoline application, a diesel oil isn’t required and the more appropriate choice is a quality gasoline motor oil for both performance and value.

The detailed answer: It’s common for some owners of modified gasoline-powered vehicles to favor diesel oils over their gasoline counterparts. Many assume diesel oils are more durable and more capable of withstanding the increased heat of a powerful, turbocharged engine. Others lean toward higher-viscosity oils to protect against wear, and it’s sometimes easier to find a 40- or 50-weight diesel oil than a gasoline motor oil. Others favor the increased detergency of diesel oils. (which is my reason for using them in my 1983 AMC Eagle station wagon BTW.)

While you can use a diesel oil in your gasoline engine, provided it meets the appropriate specifications and viscosity requirements, there’s far more to the topic than that, as I learned after talking to Mark Nyholm, AMSOIL Technical Product Manager – Heavy Duty.

Can diesel oil safely be used in gas engines?

Mark Nyholm: It depends on the specifications the diesel oil carries and the recommendation of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The American Petroleum Institute (API) publishes its “C” category of specification for diesel oil (currently CJ-4) and its “S” category for gasoline motor oil (currently SN). It’s common for today’s diesel engine oils to carry both the API CJ-4 and SN specifications. Though they’re truly designed for diesel applications, they can be used in gasoline applications for those customers who want to use one oil in all applications. If the diesel oil carries both specs, feel assured the oil is safe to use in diesel and gas applications. If the diesel oil does not carry the “S” category, I strongly recommend against using it in gasoline applications.

Why do some motorists favor diesel oil over gasoline motor oils?

Nyholm: There are many reasons people choose the oil they use. Since oil is not top-of-mind with many motorists, it’s typical for people to purchase based on viscosity alone. Many gasoline engines today call for 5W-30, with more and more requiring 5W-20, meaning those viscosities are typically what’s readily available. So, if you’re looking for a 5W-40 or 15W-40, it’s often easiest to find that viscosity in the diesel engine oil aisle.

Others use diesel oil under the assumption it’s a more “heavy-duty” product and must be better than gasoline motor oils. They may have been told diesel oil is formulated with special components not available in gasoline motor oils, such as more robust detergency additives to handle the soot inherent to diesel engines. In their minds, diesel oils are analogous to better protection.

Do most gasoline engines really need some of the additives in most diesel oils?

Nyholm: Diesel and gasoline oils are formulated with a variety of additives that improve wear protection, corrosion protection, resistance to foaming, viscosity retention and more. Whether the application is gasoline-powered or diesel-powered, many of the same additives are used based on what we are asking them to do in the formulation.

Now, there are additives designed to manage the byproducts of combustion, and some of those byproducts change, depending on whether you’re burning gasoline or diesel. If you’re running a gasoline engine, it’s best to use an oil that contains the correct additives to handle the byproducts of gasoline combustion. The same holds if you’re operating a diesel engine.

When should someone use diesel oil in their gas engine?

Nyholm: If your gasoline engine is heavily modified to put out more horsepower, using a diesel oil can be beneficial. It’s likely modified engines will need a higher viscosity to withstand the increased stress. You can turn to diesel engine oils for those needs or you might want to consider a racing oil, depending on your engine modifications and lubrication requirements.

Many times the engine builder will help provide insight as to what success they have found. Outside of that, if you have a bone-stock gasoline-powered application it’s best to stick with a gasoline motor oil. They are designed for that type of application and have the components required to manage that engine. Sure, you can run a diesel oil in a gasoline application; however it’s likely the formula has additional components your gasoline application doesn’t require, which might end up costing you more money.

AMSOIL diesel for gas engines

AMSOIL formulates a complete line of gasoline and diesel oils for nearly anything you have. They’re dialed in to deliver outstanding protection for their intended applications. Consult the AMSOIL product guides for recommendations for your vehicle.

Sioux Falls has a LOT of classic cars.

Some of these are survivors (never been restored) which the motors have never been rebuilt. Assuming a good amount of deposits are in the engine, have no fear – AMSOIL synthetic products are perfect. One of the things that sets AMSOIL apart is the better quality seal conditioners. It is not a fact that “synthetics cause leaks”. The issue of causing leaks simply means that the oil is not engineered and built to prevent that. It happens more frequently with conventional motor oils of average quality due to profit requirements of the stock holders. That said our HDD (Heavy-Duty) Diesel AND Gasoline Engine Oil is often the best choice.  The detergents will help clean the engine while keeping contaminants in suspension while our high capacity Absolute Efficiency Oil filters remove the problem causing deposits. Many use our High Zinc AME Diesel 15W-40 as well for this purpose as it costs significantly less. Also be sure to check out our bypass oil filtration kits.  These partial filters will remove even more deposits you will never get out through frequent oil drains alone.  Guaranteed to filter 98% at 2-microns!

So here in Sioux Falls there is a better choice for all your engines. AMSOIL’s Sioux Falls dealer at 4610 W. 12th St. or call 402-933-3902.

Thank you!