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Beater Car – AMSOIL XL Offers better Value than Run Of The Mill Motor Oils

Expensive AMSOIL for my old daily driver?

That’s definitely one part of the conversation that comes up weekly with our Sioux Falls customers. Either while discussing our various price breaks with the “Good, Better, Best” lines within one product category or if a 2nd car is discussed in addition to their prized possession.

High mileage cars rely on quality additive packages in oil.Being proud of the performance of all the AMSOIL products, early on I decided to become a dealer with the idea of helping others experience the same triumphs I discovered. Convincing people of the merit and that there is a clear difference was not going to be easy but for those who I have convinced just as I, they will be customers for life. My focus all along is the one customer who really has the most to gain – which is the driver of that car he or she must depend on to get to work. They don’t have the option to buy a new one, they don’t need a new car payment and they certainly don’t need any downtime from a locked up transmission or badly worn engine.

Made for the machine you depend on.

High mileage cars is our specialty!! I’m not necessarily talking about an old heap, clunker or beater but they benefit just the same. There are some specifics about high mileages cars that need to be addressed. Well AMSOIL to the rescue!!! It may not sound reasonable at first to use a product that cost $2.50 to $4 more per quart or running around town for an “Automotive Enthusiast” product. Face it – there are some bargain prices on oil at every auto-parts store or even most big-box stores.  But alas, AMSOIL may be the only motor oil company to honestly address critical issues of your daily driver.

Thanks to Amsoil it still runs like newThere are two things to consider with a product brand. Their ability to offer full disclosure and not cheat the customer of available technology by misrepresenting the level of quality from year to year.  Then relate this to the issues or potential issues the car that may have lacked adequate maintenance or one that is attended to but the desire is to get more trouble free years out of it.

I think in our Sioux Falls store holds the record for helping customers hold on to their 90’s era Pontiacs than any other. You don’t need a car payment. AMSOIL makes that old car reliable beyond your expectations. 

The most common cause of failure in any piece of equipment whether it’s an automobile or manufacturing equipment is a lack of lubrication.  In automobiles, a good lubricant/additive blend will also prevent the issues which cause the lack of lubrication.  This is generally caused by fuel entering the lubrication system or from the high volatile nature of good to average motor oils and gear lubricants.

Devoted to Quality that Stands Alone

AMSOIL test truckExplaining why AMSOIL is in your best interest can be divided into two categories. #1 is regard to their place within the available quality levels in the various groups synthetics are categorized in (many which for decades market as a premium product are nothing more than a petroleum oil legally allowed to be called synthetic). And #2 how these additives which make up the oil addresses your situation.  There is so much false advertising out there that your beloved car may be seeing the end at an accelerated rate due to the poor quality of additives and the fact that the companies stock holders demand more profits. AMSOIL protects you from this problem all together.

Good, Better and Best

AMSOIL has created a Good, Better and Best system, our “Good” offers significantly more performance than these 5-gallons for $13 you see at the big-box stores. For Less than $5 per quart you can improve your engine’s seal function, benefit from fewer deposits including the intake system’s valves because our products are singled out in the industry for maintaining the lowest volatility levels by a long shot In fact AMSOIL brought that test to the industry.  In some vehicles you can’t afford to use lower quality base stocks such as DGI (direct gasoline injection) as we showed Royal Purple and Mobil 1 allows for significantly higher separation which leads to intake valve deposits which can only be cleaned by removing the heads.

Amsoil keeps my daily driver goingOther things addressed are better temperature control, reduced wear because our products can withstand the  greater influence from deposits and fuel thus viscosity staying in grade. Additives to address fluctuating temperatures we experience in the Sioux Falls climate. Improved start-ups and longer battery life not to mention a jump in mileage. Detergents which can once again allow oil to flow where it’s been blocked off. Despersants which will hold wear particles in suspension as well as other corrosive elements.  AMSOIL also addresses filtration with our Ea Oil nanofiber technology which increases filter capacity, flow, life and filters 98% at 20 microns.

The better quality base stocks are actually the part that brings the customer back. Especially in non-high performance cars the driver notices a new feel. A smoothness in the engine that they couldn’t get anywhere else.. And one that stays for the whole interval.


So in summary AMSOIL offers the top additive quality in each category. Some additives are available in 80 different quality levels thus these $3 so called synthetic products coming to market. You will squeeze more life from that beloved car with our products. My suggestion in your high-mileage runabout is a bottle of AMSOIL Flush (detergent based) and then switch using our XL Extended Life oil which has a 10,000 mile or 6-month guarantee. The price is right and you will notice right away the unique quality. You will enjoy your drive better and have more money in your pocket in the long run.

Don't laugh. This car runs and it's paid for!

Read the specifics in our product section our visit the Sioux Falls store at 4610 W. 12th St for your free catalog.

Ches Cain- AMSOIL Dealer



AMSOIL Coolant Boost Speeds Jeep and Engine Warm-up Times

amsoil coolant boost water wetterWARM UP YOUR VEHICLE FASTER IN COLD WEATHER

AMSOIL DOMINATOR Coolant Boost (RDCB) is designed to reduce corrosion and significantly enhance heat transfer in radiator and cooling systems. One of the overlooked benefits of better heat transfer is much quicker engine warm-up in winter conditions, which is noticed when the vehicle’s defroster works much sooner. It’s always fresh in the Sioux Falls store as it’s used in winter conditions for cars and road vehicles and in summer for ATV’s and hard working motorcycles.

Earn extra points and grab an extra bottle for a friend or father in law.

To understand how DOMINATOR Coolant Boost reduces engine warm-up times in cold weather, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of an engine’s cooling system and how Coolant Boost’s proprietary tiered-surfactant technology works. The same tiered-surfactant technology that aids in reducing engine operating temperatures also decreases engine warm-up times.

In a vehicle’s cooling system, the goal is to quickly and effectively move heat away from engine components, permitting the engine to run at a safe, controlled temperature. An effective cooling system reduces stress on all aspects of the engine, including the oil. Alternatively, a corroded cooling system that transfers heat ineffectively will eventually lead to engine overheating, motor-oil breakdown and catastrophic failure

“It’s awesome. My 79 Jeep Cj5 doesn’t stall after normal warmups. And it saved me time flushing by boosting the anti-rust properties of the old the coolant. Now I can wait till summer.” – Fred in South Sioux Falls

A surfactant reduces the surface tension of water and antifreeze, allowing closer contact with metal parts. This closer contact increases the coolant’s efficiency in transferring heat away from hot engine parts and out through the radiator and fan. Many leading coolant additives contain only one surfactant, limiting their temperature ranges and effectiveness.

Speeds up warmup time. AMSOIL DOMINATOR Coolant Boost uses three surfactants, each designed to operate in a different temperature range to increase liquid-tometal contact from the time the vehicle starts to the time it reaches operating temperature.

Graphic A illustrates how each surfactant in Coolant Boost’s tiered-surfactant technology is designed to provide optimal performance over a wide temperature range, while competing products with only one surfactant are limited to performance in a single temperature range.

Graphic B outlines controlled testing of AMSOIL DOMINATOR Coolant Boost with a 50/50 antifreeze/water mix. When a cooling system reaches 120°F, you feel warm air coming out of the defroster. The time it takes to reach this temperature with Coolant Boost is reduced by 49 percent compared to the 50/50 antifreeze/water mix alone. The time required to warm the cooling system to 180ºF is reduced by 54 percent.

Chemistry covers all temperature ranges in your engine. Reduce temps on any hot running car or ATV

Through the use of tiered surfactants, AMSOIL DOMINATOR Coolant Boost delivers quicker warm-up times in the winter and reduced engine temperatures in the summer, making it an excellent choice for year-round use.

  • Helps vehicles warm-up an average of 54% faster in winter.
  • Reduces engine temps up to 25?F in summer.