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Mourning the Loss of AMSOIL founder Al Amatuzio

Mourning the Loss of AMSOIL founder Al Amatuzio

As many of you have heard, we lost AMSOIL founder, Al Amatuzio, at nearly 93 years of age. His life was a classic David vs. Goliath illustration of the American Dream. We honor the life of a visionary leader, innovator, and legend that defied convention.

Click here to read about the man that shaped an entire industry, and founded AMSOIL.


A Legend Passes

The man who brought synthetic lubricants to the automotive market leaves a legacy of innovation

AMSOIL INC. company founder and Chairman of the Board Al Amatuzio passed away on Friday, March 31, 2017 at nearly 93 years of age. His life was a classic David vs. Goliath illustration of the American Dream. He was raised poor in a rough neighborhood, achieved distinction in military service and toppled giants on his way to forever changing the lubrication industry. Amatuzio touched many lives through his business ventures and charitable endeavors. In fact, whether they know it or not, Amatuzio has affected the lives of nearly every driver in the world, for it was his vision that brought synthetic lubrication to the automotive market.

It was during his time as a fighter pilot and squadron commander that Amatuzio conceived the notion that cars, trucks and other land vehicles could benefit from synthetic lubricants. “They all thought I was at altitude too long without oxygen,” Amatuzio would joke. The naysayers were many, but Amatuzio had developed an unmatched tenacity through years of trials.


As a child in the Great Depression, Amatuzio’s entrepreneurial nature emerged. He peddled newspapers, sold magazines, collected scrap iron and devised any number of ventures to help support the family through difficult times. But his real love was flying. Every day he would wait to watch the white Sikorsky mail plane fly overhead on its way to touch down on the St. Louis Bay just off of Lake Superior. He would wave to the pilot and dream of the day when he, too, could take to the air. His dream was realized when, at age 12, his father bought him a one-dollar ticket for a short ride in a Piper Cub. Amatuzio’s dream became ambition.

After graduating high school in 1942 Al attended Naval Air Corps training. But just as he was making his mark as a trainee pilot the Navy announced it had overestimated its need for pilots and closed the Program. Disappointed and uninterested in another type of Navy career, Amatuzio joined the Merchant Marine. It was aboard the SS Fisk Victory that he survived the great Okinawa storm that sent 42 ships to the ocean floor.

After the war and eager to renew his pilot training, Amatuzio joined the Air Force, now recently separated from the Army and reorganized into its own distinct branch of the armed forces. He was a natural and made a profound impression on his instructors. Amatuzio earned his wings, then fate pulled him in another direction. His mother became ill, and he had to leave the service to run the family-owned Gitchinadji Supper Club.

Still burning with desire to fly, Amatuzio joined the Duluth unit of the Air National Guard. He served 25 years as a fighter pilot and squadron commander and was twice honored as our nation’s top pilot by winning the prestigious William Tell Air-to-Air Shootout Competition and the Earl T. Rick Competitive Shootout.

It was then that Amatuzio became inspired by a new challenge. Armed with the knowledge that every jet engine in the world could survive only with synthetic oil, he reasoned that the same performance benefits could be applied to the vehicles and equipment people depend on every day for work and fun.

At the time, oil quality was poor and engines did not last long. Then-modern oils were susceptible to breakdown in high heat and contributed greatly to hard-starting in cold weather. Amatuzio had a vision to bring a better option to market. The skeptics didn’t just think it was impossible, they thought it was unnecessary. They had a “good enough” attitude, and they considered conventional oil to be good enough.

Amatuzio ignored the skeptics. He wanted to do something for “the little guy.” In 1963 he began an intense period of research and development. By 1966 he had formulated his first synthetic motor oil, and throughout the sixties he continued development and sold synthetic oils under a variety of names. In 1972 AMSOIL synthetic motor oil became the world’s first synthetic motor oil to meet American Petroleum Institute service requirements. Al Amatuzio had single-handedly changed the entire automotive lubricant industry.

The concept was foreign to the lubricant and automotive manufacturers of the time. They did not want synthetic oil and didn’t believe cars needed it. They resisted what they viewed as a disruptive product. Amatuzio was ridiculed for peddling his “fake oil.” After they began to recognize the superiority of the product introduced by the unknown man from northern Minnesota, they went on the attack. Falling back on the instincts he developed growing up in a rough-and-tumble neighborhood and through military training, Amatuzio fought major corporations and Big Oil companies in multi-year lawsuits. Through sheer determination and relentless fight, Amatuzio beat the odds to build a company widely regarded today as a technological leader in the field.

Amatuzio’s affinity for the little guy and his drive to bring consumers a better choice led to the formation of the AMSOIL Dealer network. When he was finally able to get his new synthetic motor oil in stores, it languished on the shelves next to its much cheaper conventional-oil counterparts. Consumers hadn’t heard of synthetic oil and didn’t understand its benefits. That all changed with the founding of the Dealer network in 1973. Amatuzio’s Dealers were able to convey the benefits of synthetic lubricants much better than simple product labels, and the company grew exponentially. They were little guys, just like him, and they helped build AMSOIL.

In 1994, Amatuzio was formally recognized and honored as the pioneer of synthetic lubrication with his induction into the Lubricant’s World Hall of Fame. In 2005 he was again honored with the Nachtman Award from the Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association (ILMA). The Nachtman Award is ILMA’s highest honor, recognizing the achievements of those who have made unique and significant contributions to the independent lubricant manufacturing industry.

Today, the company he founded carries on with Amatuzio’s vision – to provide consumers with a better option, to be the best and to support the little guy. What the critics deemed unnecessary and ill-conceived when AMSOIL was founded is now required by many vehicle manufacturers. Because of Amatuzio, consumers have improved choices from Big Oil, their vehicles last longer and advanced automotive technologies that would have destroyed yesterday’s motor oil are possible. Because of Amatuzio, thousands of little guys across North America have the opportunity to make money selling high-end products. Because of Amatuzio, the world is a better place.

We are proud to honor his legacy and continue living his values today.

5 People Who Need to Become AMSOIL Preferred Customers

5 People Who Need to Become AMSOIL Preferred Customers

So you love to rave about how AMSOIL synthetic lubricants boost your mpg, or how many miles you’ve gone with your 1992 Taurus, but if you’re not an AMSOIL Preferred Customer (P.C.) and you regularly buy AMSOIL products, you ain’t doing it right.

Here are 5 people who need to become AMSOIL P.C.s today (#ThankMeLater).

#1 The Person Who’s Really Into Cars


You have your daily driver, your summer car and your project car. Or, maybe you have a classic pickup truck you drive around town or a ’69 Camaro you pull out for special occasions (like your local car show).

AMSOIL develops synthetic lubricants with the same care and passion you’ve put into your vehicles. And, if our Product Guide can’t help you find what you need, our Technical Services team can (715-399-TECH).

Put together, they drive everything from imported, barely legal Japanese classics, to tractors (as in an awesome collection of restored John Deere tractors). Basically, they have the knowledge and expertise to help answer any questions you might have.

If you’re going to keep working on that project car, you’re going to need lubricants to protect it and keep it running strong. Just ask Keith.


#2 The Powersports Fanatic


You own a snowmobile, boat, ATV, dirt bike or some combination thereof. If it has a powerful engine and handlebars, you’re interested. We get that you push the limits when you’re out having fun because most of us (OK, not me, but a lot of others who work here) do, too. We rigorously test our products to ensure they can handle the abuse you throw at them. For example, check out how AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil protected a Harley-Davidson that we pushed to more than 550ºF.

#3 The Racer


We love racing. We’re into Monster Energy Supercross, King of the Hammers, TORC, snocross, sprint cars and on and on. We sponsor multiple teams and drivers, including Scheuring Speed Sports, Brad Lovell and Scott Douglas, to name a few. Our relationships with our drivers go beyond simply writing a check – our racers help us develop and test many of the AMSOIL synthetic lubricants that end up in your vehicles. Unlike some companies, we don’t create special formulas for racers, either. The same products the pros use are available to you. If AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are tough enough to protect their stock cars, race sleds, dirt bikes and other equipment, imagine what they can do for you.

#4 The Handyman (or Woman)


Heaven to you is a garage full of tools; a lawnmower, string trimmer, car and the like to tinker with; and a Saturday afternoon void of interruptions. The garage is where you retreat to unplug from the world and energize yourself to the sound of a ratchet or air wrench.

As an AMSOIL P.C., you get all the AMSOIL products you need shipped right to your door within three days – just in time for you to wrench to your heart’s content over the weekend. P.C.s also earn points on every purchase, which are redeemable for future purchases. Don’t forget our cool MyAMSOILGarage feature, a free online resource that lets you track all the maintenance you perform on your vehicles and equipment.

#5 The Outdoorsman

Tracker Marine/Bass Pro Shops Photography

Hunters and anglers have to get to their favorite spot before they can reel in a lunker or bag a trophy buck. A breakdown along the way ruins your hard-earned time on the water or in the woods. Maintaining your vehicles and equipment with AMSOIL synthetic lubricants helps ensure you get to your destination and enjoy your time. Just ask professional angler Pete Maina or one of the outfitters who rent their equipment to outdoor lovers, which means their equipment takes a beating (I trust you’re familiar with the term, “Ride it like a rental”?). P.C.s save up to 25 percent on AMSOIL products, leaving a few extra bucks in your pocket to help buy that new fishing rod or hunting rifle.

Top 5 Perks to Becoming an AMSOIL P.C.

If you’re unsure how the AMSOIL Preferred Customer program can benefit you, here are the top five perks that our P.C.s love.

#1 Save Money

Yes, we make some of the best synthetic lubricants you can find on the shelf. Just ask Max:


But the biggest perk of being a P.C. is saving up to 25 percent on AMSOIL products.

#2 Promotions

P.C.s get several exclusive promotions throughout the year, which really add up to major savings when coupled with paying 25 percent less for AMSOIL products. Past promotions have included free shipping and even deeper product discounts.

#3 Exclusive Gear

We truly appreciate our customers and we show our love by sending gifts to randomly selected P.C.s to say “Thank You.” It’s just a cool way to show you our appreciation for choosing AMSOIL.

#4 Collect P.C. Points

If you use AMSOIL products in your car, ATV, boat, lawnmower or anything else with an engine, you can rack up some serious points on your purchases. Every 50 points you earn gets you $1 off future purchases.

#5 Rewards

It’s no secret that the people who love AMSOIL, really love AMSOIL. Many go on to share the benefits of using AMSOIL products with their friends and family. P.C.s who refer AMSOIL products to a friend or family member can earn up to 500 bonus points when the person they refer makes their first purchase. Those bonus points add up to $10 off a future purchase, saving you even more.

Are you considering upgrading to a P.C. membership?

Great. Join now for as little as $10 for a 6-month membership.

Become an AMSOIL P.C. – You can use it in our Sioux Falls AMSOIL store. If you sign up here using our referral code of 510227. Then you pay even less that our “Discount Level” customers.