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The New SEVERE GEAR Easy-Pack

The New SEVERE GEAR Easy-Pack

Enthusiasts pride themselves on finding their own solutions to tough problems. When there’s no manual, they roll up their sleeves and make it work. But even the most inventive gearhead inevitably throws down an oily rag and wonders why the process has to be so difficult. Changing gear lube is often one of those frustrating tasks.

Differentials Require Service

A clean, high-quality gear lube helps prevent the howls and whines that can occur from extended periods of metal-to-metal contact. It provides differentials and transmissions with crucial protection – particularly against the rigors of towing and hauling – and it should be changed on a schedule to protect your pickup. Unfortunately, changing this vital fluid doesn’t come without challenges.

Tight Squeeze

Removing the cover on your “pumpkin” and draining the fluid might not be difficult, but installing new fluid requires the ability to push liquid uphill. Unless the pickup is lifted, differentials are packed in high and tight. Reaching fill holes is difficult, and you cannot tip the bottles at an angle that allows the fluid to run into the differential with the help of gravity.

Troublesome Current Solutions

That’s why most gear lube is sold in conical plastic bottles. The idea is that you’ll be able to squeeze the gear lube from the bottle and force it into your diff. Unfortunately, those bottles are rigid and hard to squeeze. You cannot get all of the fluid out of the bottle, so you end up buying more than you truly need to get the job done. Pumps are an improvement, but even those can be leaky or require a third hand to operate without major spillage.

The Mess

No matter your method (pump or conical bottle), it seems impossible to service differentials without making a big mess.

The AMSOIL Solution

The new AMSOIL easy-pack eliminates all of the old obstacles.

Easily access hard-to-reach fill holes. The packaging is flexible. Just bend it until the nozzle is pointing where you need it to be and insert it into the fill hole.

Easily squeeze out entire contents. Empty the easy-pack into your differential with no waste and no mess.

AMSOIL Severe Gear 75W-90 and 75W-140 100% Synthetic Gear Lube (SVG, SVO) continue to provide the same great performance.

  • High film strength for high-load demands
  • Reduces friction and provides the ultimate protection against wear
  • Helps maintain efficiency
  • Well-suited for towing, hauling, racing, commercial use or other severe duty
  • Durable easy-pack makes the job cleaner and faster

A Closer Look at Bypass Oil Filtration

A Comprehensive Look at Bypass Filtration

AMSOIL Bypass Systems offer top-of-the-line protection

Bypass oil filtration features a secondary filter with the purpose of eliminating nearly all contaminants from engine oil. Bypass filters have high capacities and eliminate much smaller particles than full-flow filters. They reduce engine wear and increase oil volume, but their high efficiencies mean they also have higher restriction and must be used in conjunction with a full-flow filter.

How Bypass Filters Work

Bypass filters operate by filtering oil on a “partial-flow” basis. They draw approximately 10 percent of the oil pump’s capacity at any one time and trap the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters can’t remove. Bypass filters have a high pressure differential, causing the oil to flow through them very slowly and allowing for the removal of smaller contaminants, including soot. It is called bypass filtration because the oil flows from the bypass filter back to the sump, bypassing the engine. This continual process eventually makes all the oil analytically clean, reduces long-term wear and can extend oil drain intervals.

AMSOIL Bypass Filtration Benefits

  • Significantly Extended Engine Life

The majority of engine wear is caused by particles in the 5-20 micron range. Because AMSOIL Ea® Bypass Filters effectively remove contaminants down to 2 microns, engines receive the ultimate in wear protection. Less engine wear keeps the engine in better condition, extending its life.

  • Efficient Small-Particle and Soot Removal

The high-efficiency Ea Bypass Filter element is 98.7 percent effective at removing particles down to 2 microns, helping extend engine life. It is also a very effective soot-removal device.

  • Reduced Maintenance Costs

AMSOIL Bypass Systems provide a dramatic increase in engine protection, helping avoid costly repairs associated with engine wear.

  • Improved Oil Cooling

By installing an additional filter, the engine system has the capacity to hold more oil. With increased oil capacity, the oil filtration system contains more fluid through which it can disperse heat from the engine. This allows the engine and the oil to run cooler.

  • Extended Drain Intervals

Ea Bypass Filters can help users extend their oil drain intervals. Make sure to use oil analysis when extending oil drain intervals.

Outstanding Protection at an Affordable Price – Smartest Passive Unit you can buy

Competing single-remote bypass systems designed for Ford*, GM* and RAM* turbodiesel vehicles range in price from $250 to more than $700, with an average largely over $450. Most AMSOIL Single-Remote and Dual-Remote Bypass Systems carry an MSRP below the market average.

Competing heavy-duty bypass systems range in price from $650 to more than $850. The premium-quality AMSOIL Heavy-Duty Bypass System (BMK30) and DUAL-GARD® Bypass System (BMK22) have MSRPs almost half the market average.

AMSOIL offers complete bypass systems for certain popular applications that include all components necessary for installation (including parts, hose, filters and installation instructions). We also offer universal bypass systems that can be customized with different additional parts to fit specific applications.

Easy Installation

AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filtration Systems are relatively easy to install and easy to maintain. Do-it-yourself installation instructions are provided.

Durable Construction

AMSOIL Bypass Systems and Ea Bypass Filters are built tough to withstand the most severe operating conditions.

Call us with questions, our best pricing or order online where you can also download the instructions. 

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