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Is There Really an Advantage with Premium Gas?


Save yourself a lot of money and use the lowest rating suggested in your owners manual. Typically the only cars which need premium fuel are older high compression engines (pre 1980’s) and the ever popular turbocharged engines. I run premium in my Ford Transit with the Ecoboost Turbo as it is required. The added compression demands it to resiste pre-ignition (reducing knock) and I’ve even verified maximum mileage on Cenex 91 even over the OK’d 89, but on typical fuel injection cars over the past 25 years lower octane ratings are no issue at all  – Enjoy the article below…

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A recent AAA report found that American motorists wasted $2.1 billion in the last year buying premium gasoline for engines designed to run on regular gas.

The reasons why are likely due to the following misconceptions about premium gas:

  • Contains higher energy content (increasing power and fuel economy)
  • Formulated with higher-quality additives (increasing engine cleanliness)

What is Premium Gas?

When motorists see premium 91-octane gas at the pump, they may assume it contains higher energy content compared to regular 87-octane gas. After all, “high-octane” is often synonymous with increased power and performance. The 91-octane gas should, they think, provide improved fuel economy and power.

In fact, octane has nothing to do with energy content or quality – it’s a measurement of the gasoline’s ability to resist engine knock. Higher octane denotes greater knock control.

What is Engine Knock?

Octane neededOn an engine’s intake stroke, the piston travels down the cylinder, allowing air/ fuel to fill the available space. Assume the cylinder holds 900cc when the piston is at bottom dead center. The piston then travels up the cylinder, compressing the fuel/air in preparation for combustion. Assume cylinder volume is reduced to 100cc when the piston is at top dead center. The relationship between the two volumes is known as the compression ratio. In this case, 900:100 is reduced to 9:1. The compression ratio indicates cylinder pressure, and more pressure equals more power and greater efficiency. That’s why high-performance cars and heavy-duty diesels typically have higher compression ratios than standard cars or trucks.

While higher compression seems like all up-side, it can invite negative consequences. Compression heats the fuel/air mixture, allowing it to burn more efficiently. If compressed too much, gasoline can ignite too early, causing uncontrolled and early ignition. This leads to a knocking or pinging sound, robs the engine of power and can lead to engine damage. Typically, the engine’s computer will detect engine knock and adjust timing and the air/ fuel ratio accordingly. Although this protects the engine from damage, it can substantially reduce engine performance and efficiency.

Most high-compression gas engines require use of premium gas to better resist engine knock and prevent the computer from detuning the engine to protect against knock-related damage. Using premium gas in a clean, mechanically sound engine not designed to use it, though, provides no benefit.

In engines with carbon buildup on pistons or in the combustion chamber, however, premium gas can provide some benefit. Deposits can reduce cylinder volume at top dead center, effectively increasing the compression ratio. This alone can lead to engine knock. The deposits can also become hot spots that preignite the mixture, leading to engine knock.

In these cases, a higher octane fuel helps resist engine knock and allows the engine to operate closer to its normal conditions rather than detuning to prevent engine knock.

For best performance, use the fuel recommended in your vehicle owner’s manual.

Higher Octane Doesn’t Mean Higher Quality

The other popular misconception is that premium gas contains a higher concentration of cleaning agents and other performance-improving additives.

While many formulators market a highquality premium gasoline, such as Shell* V-Power* Nitro+ or ExxonMobil* Synergy*, the premium gasoline at your local filling station may not be formulated to improve performance in any aspect other than octane rating. Quality can vary from brand to brand and station to station.

This is why we sell AMSOIL P.i.® (API)  for cars and trucks and AMSOIL Quickshot® (AQS) for smaller engines. They provide excellent detergency to help clean dirty injectors and carburetors for maximum fuel economy and operability. Once you understand the truth about premium gas, these additives will better assist in overall performance thus giving better peace of mind and benefits you’re seeking.

Engine Detuning Kills Performance: How to Protect Your Motorcycle

Engine Knock Kills Performance: How to Protect Your Motorcycle

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Some modern motorcycles are equipped with a knock sensor that adjusts timing to compensate for low-octane gasoline and eliminate engine knock. Unfortunately, when timing is adjusted, you may experience…

  • Rough idle
  • Lack of throttle response

Many bikers don’t even know this is occurring. Understanding engine knock, also known as detonation or pre-ignition, requires an understanding of octane, which is a standard measure of gasoline performance.

The three most common octane ratings include:

  • Anti-Knock Index (AKI)
  • Research Octane Number (RON)
  • Motor Octane Number (MON)

AKI is the rating most bikers are familiar with. It’s typically displayed on gas pumps as the average of the fuel’s RON and MON. RON, however, is the most common industry rating.


Engine knock can cause piston damage

Gasoline’s RON is generally a few numbers higher than the AKI posted on the gas pump (e.g. 87 octane fuel, or regular pump gas, has a RON of about 91-92). The higher the octane, the more compression the fuel can withstand before igniting. Low-octane gas is susceptible to uncontrolled and early ignition in the combustion chamber. It causes a knocking or pinging sound, robs the engine of power and, left unchecked, can cause catastrophic piston damage.

Engine knock may be eliminated by using a higher-octane fuel. Alternatively, you can use a fuel additive designed to raise the fuel’s octane number.


Boost Octane and maximize power and efficiency

AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost increases octane up to three numbers, which eliminates knock or ping and maximizes power and efficiency.


An easy solution for engine detuning

Motorcycle Octane Boost offers a low-cost solution to engine detuning and helps maximize bike power and performance. It offers the
added benefits of maintaining engine and fuel-system cleanliness, with active detergents that help prevent deposits for improved efficiency.

Amsoil's motorcycle Octane Boost for maximum performanceAMSOIL Octane Boost

  • Maximizes power and efficiency
  • Improves startup performance
  • Eliminates engine ping or knock



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