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What Motor Oil is Best for Winter? (And Other Cold-Weather Questions)

The Best Winter Motor and Transmission Oil Choice

Synthetic oil is best for winter.

We’re done here.

If only it were that simple. But most people want empirical data to support such claims.

Well, take a look at the video. We cooled a conventional 5W-30 motor oil and AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil to -40º. As you can see, the conventional oil thickened so much that it barely flowed from the beaker. The AMSOIL product, on the other hand, flows almost immediately.


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Why the dramatic performance difference? In answering that question, I’ll also answer the question hoss61761 poses on social media:

Conventional oils contain waxes that solidify when the temperature drops. This severely impairs the oil’s ability to flow when you crank your engine. In some cases, the oil can thicken so much that it prevents the crankshaft from spinning fast enough to start the engine.

Prior to using AMSOIL, I had a Cutlass Ciera that was notorious for refusing to start on our cold Minnesota mornings. The dirt-cheap big-box-retailer oil I used back then thickened so much the engine would barely turn over.

Why synthetics flow better in winter weather

Synthetics, in contrast, don’t contain waxes due to the chemical-reaction process used to construct synthetic base oils. As a result, synthetics demonstrate far better cold-flow properties than conventional oil. Not only will your vehicle start more easily (I’ve yet to have one of my vehicles using AMSOIL fail to start, even with temps pushing -30ºF), the oil will flow more quickly, ensuring oil reaches vital components faster. This, in turn, maximizes wear protection, helping your engine last longer.

Check the oil’s pour point

If you want more data to prove synthetics’ cold-weather superiority, check the oil’s Product Data Sheet. Look for the oil’s pour point. Lower numbers indicate better cold-flow, thus better cold-weather performance.

In the example here, you can see that AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30, the same oil shown in the video above, has a pour point of -58ºF (-50ºC).

What is cold?

Not to get existential here, but it’s a relevant question. Folks in the south whose idea of winter is putting shoes on for a couple weeks in January may think they’re off the hook. Do they need to waste mental energy on motor oil cold-flow properties?

Good cold-flow is important to Southerners, too. Here’s why.

Engineers agree that most engine wear occurs during cold starts. There are several reasons, but two concern us for this discussion:

  • Gravity causes much of the oil to fall back into the oil sump, leaving components unprotected
  • Cold oil doesn’t flow immediately at startup, temporarily starving the engine of oil

While true that oil thickens more in sub-zero winter weather and causes increased starting difficulty, an engine is considered “cold” after it’s sat long enough to cool to ambient temperature, typically overnight.

The oil inside your engine cools as it sits overnight. As it cools, its viscosity increases (it thickens). When it’s time to start your vehicle in the morning, the thicker oil doesn’t flow through the engine as readily as it does when it’s at operating temperature. It’s during this time that vital engine parts can operate without lubrication, increasing wear. So, even in warm climates, cold-start wear is a problem. Southerners are well-advised to use a good synthetic oil with excellent cold-flow properties, too.

Thick or thin oil in winter?

Motorists sometimes ask if they should use thicker or thinner oil in the winter. Fortunately for them, we wrote a whole post on that topic. Check it out here.

Should I Switch to a Lighter Viscosity Oil in Winter?

To summarize, use the lowest viscosity oil your vehicle manufacturer recommends in the winter. Most automakers recommend a lone viscosity year-round. But some allow you to switch to a lower viscosity in winter, which helps improve cold-flow.

If your owner’s manual says you can switch to a lower viscosity oil in winter, go for it.

Shift to better winter protection

While I have you here, I should talk about transmission fluid, too. Like motor oil, it thickens in cold weather. The cold, thick fluid doesn’t flow readily through the intricate network of passageways in the transmission valve body or through the small solenoid openings. What does that mean to you?

  • Delayed shifts
  • Elongated shifts
  • Hard/harsh shifts
  • Reduced wear protection

Cold, thick transmission fluid doesn’t flow readily through narrow valve-body passages, leading to poor shift quality.

Again, I’ll go to the well of personal experience. After buying a Honda CR-V several years ago, I switched to AMSOIL synthetic motor oil…but I neglected to change the transmission fluid. Fast-forward to winter and one of our trademark -20ºF mornings with a wind chill pushing past -40º. The Honda started, but she shifted slowly and with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The entire vehicle shuddered as it reluctantly found second gear heading down the road.

Switching to synthetic transmission fluid solved the problem. The fluid flows much more readily in the cold, which translates into smoother shifts. It also means the gears and bearing are receiving vital lubrication, too. Anyone who’s shelled out thousands of dollars for a tranny replacement knows how important that is.

Buy AMSOIL Signature Series ATF

Bottom Line: Synthetic motor oil and drivetrain lubricants perform better in the cold than conventional oils. They flow better for easier starts, smoother shifts and better protection against wear. Upgrade to synthetics to maximize cold-weather protection and performance.

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Signature Series: The Measure Of Performance

SIGNATURE SERIES: Brand comparison Testing – Viscosity

In the NOACK Volatility Test, Signature Series scored far below the API limit for evaporation and proved it remains where it’s needed most – protecting your engine.

Nearly 35 years ago AMSOIL became the first oil manufacturer in the United States to use the NOACK Volatility Test as a measure of motor oil excellence. Today, it’s the industry standard. Originally developed and used in Europe, the NOACK test was not commonly used for lubricants until AMSOIL Founder Al Amatuzio pioneered its use for automotive motor oils in 1985. Previously, a lubricant’s flash point was the primary way to approximate its volatility.

Oil Volatility: Feeling the Burn

Modern engines generate more heat than their predecessors. At elevated temperatures, the oil’s lighter-weight molecules can volatilize, or burn-off. The more volatile a lubricant is, the lower the temperature at which the lubricant will begin to evaporate. The more it evaporates, the less oil is left to protect the engine, and frequent top-offs are required. You may have owned an automobile that mysteriously “used” motor oil.

Volatility affects more than the rate of oil consumption. When light elements in oil evaporate, the oil’s viscosity increases. This thicker oil forces the engine to work harder and can result in numerous problems:

  • Reduced performance
  • Reduced fuel economy
  • Poor cold-temperature starting
  • Increased engine deposits
  • Out-of-balance oil formulation, potentially leading to reduced protection

Signature Series Limits Oil Consumption

Signature Series has a uniform molecular structure that limits evaporation and keeps it where it’s needed most – protecting your engine. It limits the volatility (burnoff) that occurs when oil gets hot, protecting against the harmful effects of oil thickening, additive imbalance, higher emissions and oil consumption. A lower NOACK number indicates better resistance to evaporation. Signature Series falls far below the API limit for volatility, reducing the need for frequent oil top-offs and limiting vehicle emissions.


NOACK Volatility Test

In the NOACK test, an oil sample is weighed and heated to 250°C (482°F) for one hour. Dry air is passed over the sample, carrying the oil vapors that have boiled off and depositing them in a beaker. The original sample is removed and re-weighed. Any reduction in weight is reported as a percentage loss of the original weight.

Signature Series Fights Viscosity Breakdown

AMSOIL fights viscosity breakdown better than the competition, providing superior protection of pistons, cams and bearings.

Signature Series Neutralizes Acids

AMSOIL Signature Series is fortified with a heavy treatment of detergent additive and it delivers 30% more acid neutralizing power than Mobil 1, and 36% more than Royal Purple, helping engines to stay cleaner, Longer. Also due to requests AMSOIL is comparing Schaeffer’s to these comparison tests.


Signature Series’ well-balanced formula delivers exceptional protection in all areas of motor oil performance.

Signature Series Fights Wear

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provides 75 percent more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear than required by a leading industry standard, extending the life of vital components like pistons and cams. Based on independent testing in the ASTM D6891 test using 0W-20 as worst-case representation.

Signature Series Guards Turbos

Signature Series protects turbochargers 72% better than requiredC by the GM dexos1® Gen 2 specification. CBased on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the GM turbo coking test.

Signature Series Protects Against LSPI

AMSOIL synthetic motor oils achieved 100% protection against LSPI. Based on zero LSPI events in five consecutive tests of AMSOIL Signature Series, XL and OE 5W-30 Motor Oil in the LSPI engine test required by the GM dexos1 Gen 2 specification.

Signature Series Cleans

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil has 50% more detergents to help keep oil passages clean and promote oil circulation. It provides 90% better protection against sludge. vs. AMSOIL OE Motor Oil Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the ASTM D6593 engine test for oil screen plugging as required by the API SN PLUS specification.

Sioux Falls customers can stop on in at Stan Houston’s Equipment company 2030 W 12th St.  for AMSOIL products locally. If you don’t see something please request it and we will get it stocked!