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The Wait is Over: Next-Generation Diesel Protection is Here

The Two Top Tier Diesel Oils Now Available


New Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil and Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil Provide Best-in-Class Engine Protection.

New Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil (DHD, DZF, DEO, DME) replaces Premium Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO, DME). New Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil (ADN, ADO, ADP) replaces OE Synthetic Diesel Oil (OED, OEC).

AMSOIL Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil

We invested considerable time and effort developing diesel oil technology worthy of the Signature Series name. New Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil meets the challenge on all counts. It represents the top tier of AMSOIL protection and performance for diesel engines, providing 6X more engine protection than required by the stringent Detroit Diesel engine specification.

New Viscosity Options

In addition to 5W-40 and 15W-40 viscosities, the Signature Series line features two new viscosities. Signature Series 5W-30 provides outstanding fuel efficiency and presents an ideal all-fleet option, while Signature Series 0W-40 is formulated specifically to provide easy starts and premium engine protection in cold climates.

Extended-Drain Recommendations Are Back

Our new Signature Series technology carries even more wear protection and viscosity retention than ever, providing turbodiesel pickups exposed to fuel dilution the extra protection needed for extended drain intervals.

  • 6X more engine protection*
  • Highly optimized detergent package provides the ultimate engine cleanliness and efficiency
  • Significantly exceeds industry requirements
  • Full OEM specification coverage
  • High TBN provides outstanding acid neutralization for long-term engine protection
  • Reduces oil consumption
  • Exceptional cold-temperature performance
  • Top-grade protection for extended drain intervals
  • Available in 5W-30, 0W-40, 5W-40 and 15W-40 viscosities

AMSOIL Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil

Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil delivers outstanding protection and performance for customers seeking an upgrade over conventional and other synthetic diesel oils, providing 4X more engine protection than required by the stringent Detroit Diesel engine specification.

Turbo Truck Diesel Oil

In addition to 10W-30 and 15W-40 viscosities, a new 5W-40 viscosity provides excellent, cost-competitive protection for turbodiesel pickups.

  • 4X more engine protection*
  • Highly optimized detergent package provides outstanding engine cleanliness and efficiency
  • High TBN provides outstanding acid neutralization for long-term engine protection
  • Excellent opportunity for price-conscious customers to move up to AMSOIL quality
  • Reduces oil consumption
  • Outstanding protection for OEM-recommended drain intervals
  • Available in 10W-30, 5W-40 and 15W-40 viscosities

*than required by the Detroit Diesel DD13 Scuffing Test for Specification DFS 93K222

Street Rodder Road Tour Pays Visit to AMSOIL and the Northland

Street Rodder Road Tour Pays Visit to AMSOIL and the Northland

Cars are cool, and vintage cars especially so.

Have you ever owned a car that you really loved to drive and enjoyed being with?

I have, and I know an awful lot of others who have experienced this kind of happiness. The follow-up question is this: Did you obtain the car for free, or did you have to buy it? Most of us buy our cars and do not receive them as gifts, an assertion I put forth to prove this point: money can buy happiness – it comes in the shape of a car.

This week, the Street Rodder Road Tour came to town, led by Jerry Dixey, Road Tour Director. Dixey, who is from Ohio and not the Deep South, calls his family of car enthusiasts “Road Tourians,” and their presence anywhere brightens the mood. These vintage cars bring smiles to faces wherever they go. Throughout the summer, the Road Tour embarks on eight different tour legs that take them all over the country to car shows, museums and other events. AMSOIL has been a sponsor of the Street Rodder Road Tour since 2008 and I believe this is the fourth time that we’ve hosted a visit.

The Road Tour was in the neighborhood because this year they have created a home base in St. Paul, Minnesota’s capitol city, taking turns travelling out on various day trips in different directions from the city. Earlier this week they went south into Iowa.  Yesterday was our day as they came north to tour the AMSOIL production facilities. What impresses me every time we have guests tour our plant is how impressed they are by the cleanliness, scale and efficiency of the AMSOIL operations.

Jerry Dixey’s hot ride for the 2017 Road Tour.

In the afternoon they drove into Duluth, Minn., for a tour of the Twin Ports seaway on the Vista Queen, getting introduced to the region from a point of view that you don’t get every day, the center of the St. Louis River that separates Minnesota from Wisconsin. The longest bridge in the state is here, and some of the busiest ports in the country.

Today they traveled east to a 100-acre auto salvage yard, feeling like kids in a candy store. And this weekend you’ll find the Road Tour cars on display at St. Paul’s Back to the Fifties event, the largest car show in North America today. What makes Back to the Fifties all the more remarkable is that the entire event is run by volunteers of the Minnesota Street Rod Association (MSRA).

These are people who love their cars, and love to ride. For some folks, cars are a form of therapy. And vintage cars are the best therapists of all.

This year is the 60th anniversary of one of the most beloved American cars of the past century, the ’57 Chevy. For this reason, Jerry Dixey is leading the tour in a spectacular ’57 Chevy convertible.

Life has many challenges, but getting out on the open road is one of the best ways to just let them go.

Don’t forget our High Zinc Oils here in Sioux Falls!! 

Take a look at some of the sights of the 2017 Street Rodder Road Tour below.