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Top 5 Tips for Protecting Your Diesel

Top 5 Tips for Protecting Your Diesel

If you love your diesel pickup as much as I love mine, then you know what it takes to make it look good, run good and sound good. It’s no task for the weary or lazy, however. I literally spend hours each week on my truck. It’s a way for me to escape the rigors of life and enjoy time listening to music, enjoying a frosty beverage and doing something I enjoy, whether it’s to make the truck look pristine, change the fluids or replace worn parts in the never-ending quest for better performance.

Whether you love performing your own maintenance or hire it out, here are a few tips, in no particular order, to help keep your diesel running strong.

Protect Your Fuel System

Modern diesel engines have the best fuel-delivery systems available. A pump delivers fuel to a common rail, where the intricate, high-performance injectors take over, spraying it at incredibly high pressures into the cylinder. When operating correctly, this system helps your truck rip down the road almost as quietly as your neighbor’s gasoline car. Take care of the fuel system and it’ll deliver years of excellent performance. Don’t, and you’ll spend thousands of dollars and look foolish stranded on the side of the road.

How do you do it, you ask? A preventative-maintenance program that prescribes diesel fuel additives with every tank of ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD). I use our Diesel Injector Clean and Diesel Cetane Boost every time I fill up. I’m giving my fuel system the detergents it needs to remain clean and operating like new, the lubricity the pump and injectors need to prevent premature failure and, thanks to the boost of cetane, maximum combustion efficiency to gain me the best possible torque and mpg. These two products are the key to fuel system longevity.

Rotate Those Tires

Your truck likely weighs more than 7,000 lbs. No lightweight, by any means. You’re likely running E-rated tires to help carry that extra load, but even those tires take some serious abuse every day. Since your truck carries most of its weight on the steer tires, it’s important to rotate the steer tires and drive tires frequently.

Diesel injectors require regular lubrication in the form of a fuel additive to last as designed.

How often? I rotate mine every 5,000 miles. That schedule gives me plenty of opportunity to check the brakes and suspension components while I’m under there. And, if you’re like me, you have a heavy right foot and you often test your tires’ friction capability in relation to the road surface. That certainly is a recipe for fun, but it’s also a recipe for disaster in terms of more frequent tire replacement. If you’ve replaced the shoes on your truck recently, you know the tire manufacturers aren’t giving them away, so rotate them periodically to help extend their life.

Give your baby a bath

I live up in the northwoods where the winters are long and the summers – well, sometimes they rarely come. Those long winters are abusive on our trucks because our state invests heavily in road salt. I often wonder if the plow driver laughs at us guys who try and keep our vehicles clean in the winter. Keeping your truck clean and free of salt is the most important thing to keeping your body panels where they belong. If you plan on keeping your truck for a while, you might want to take this point to heart. Whether you live in my neck of the woods or where it never snows a day out of the year, washing your truck is the best way to protect the paint and keep it looking bright and shiny. A healthy does of wax once or twice a year is also key for fending off the sun’s harmful rays. 

Change your fluids

Most people know they need an oil change every so often. They likely have a method of keeping track and change oil religiously, like every spring and fall. But, do you ever put any time into the transmission? How about the differentials? How about the coolant or brake fluid?

Your truck’s life and performance depend on the lubricants and fluids it requires. And no fluid lasts forever, so if someone tells you otherwise, call BS. You pay good money for your truck, and lots of it, too, if you just bought a new one. Each component needs a fluid change every so often to flush any contaminants that may have accumulated and replace degraded fluids. Use synthetic fluids to help promote performance and longevity for your truck. Synthetics’ longer service life also gives you the opportunity to extend service intervals, reducing the number of times you have to crawl under the truck.

Extra filtration

Diesel and soot go hand in hand. It’s a fact of life, folks. Your diesel’s combustion efficiency isn’t 100 percent, so it generates soot. Where the soot ends up is a function of the engine and its operating conditions. The exhaust system properly manages most of it, but some soot makes its way into the sump, contaminating your engine oil. Soot in small quantities and small particles is no match for the dispersants in your engine oil. The problem comes from larger quantities that stress the dispersant system until it fails, allowing larger particles to form that cause abrasive wear to your engine and form deposits that reduce engine efficiency.

Want a fool-proof way to manage soot in your engine? Use high-quality AMSOIL synthetic diesel oil and add a bypass filtration system. The oil will keep soot particles in suspension and the filtration system will remove them from the oil. Our bypass systems are capable of removing much smaller particles than the normal full-flow oil filter, which is why it’s so important to a diesel engine. Your truck is worth it. The cost to add a bypass system is minimal with respect to the love you have for your truck.

By now, I hope you picked up at least one tidbit of value to help keep your baby looking good and lasting a long time. I know with the effort I put into my truck, I’ll be driving it well into the 200,000-mile range. Some of you think that is nothing and expect a diesel to last longer. I have no doubt it will, but I’ll probably get bored by then and will want the next greatest diesel thing. Heck, maybe by the time I replace this one, we’ll have half-ton diesel pickups with as much torque as my current truck, but with fuel economy in the 40+ mpg range. Or, maybe the truck will be able to drive itself. Don’t laugh – do a little research online and you’ll find over-the-road trucks doing it today.

Either way, this outta tell you how long I plan to keep my current truck. But the only way our trucks will last for year is to show them some love.


AMSOIL SABER® Professional Cuts Costs While Helping Your Equipment Run

AMSOIL SABER® Professional – Simplify your 2-cycle Oil

Anyone who’s owned or operated a two-stroke string trimmer, chainsaw, blower or other piece of equipment has been there before. You repeatedly pull the starter cord and adjust the choke, but it’s still hard to start. And, when it finally fires up, it runs rough and threatens to quit. Hard-starting, rough-running equipment is not only frustrating, it lacks the power to work as efficiently as you want.

What causes hard-starting equipment?

•Convenience of one mix ratio for all equipment
•Cuts costs by 50% or more
•Clean, protected power

Heavy carbon deposits in the exhaust port and on the spark arrestor screen are often to blame. Here’s how it works.

Internal combustion engines require a steady supply of air to run properly and produce maximum power. The engine draws air through the intake and burns it, along with the fuel/oil, in the combustion chamber. The moving piston expels the exhaust gases through the exhaust port and spark arrestor screen on the muffler. In a properly running engine, this happens thousands of times a minute and goes unnoticed by the operator.

Two-stroke oils with poor detergency properties, however, can allow carbon deposits to build-up in the exhaust port and on the spark arrestor screen. Carbon chokes off airflow, which causes the engine to slowly lose power and run poorly. Soon, it becomes hard to start or fails to run altogether unless you clean the exhaust port (which requires removing the muffler) and spark arrestor screen. Most operators don’t want to waste time cleaning deposits, especially busy professional landscapers who need to complete jobs quickly and efficiently.

AMSOIL SABER Professional fights carbon

AMSOIL SABER Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil is proven to solve this problem. It features excellent detergency to fight power-robbing carbon deposits and keep exhaust ports and spark arrestor screens clean for easy starting and maximum power.

As the images show, SABER Professional mixed at 100:1 nearly prevented deposits, while ECHO* Power Blend* XTended Life* Universal 2-Stroke Oil mixed at 50:1 resulted in heavy deposits and considerable airflow loss. In fact, heavy deposits on the screen from the string trimmer using ECHO Power Blend  (see image) prevented the trimmer from starting, requiring the screen to be replaced.

Spend less for better performance

See the full test results in the ECHO 100:1 String Trimmer Technical Study. Results prove that SABER Professional mixed at 100:1 fights carbon deposits better than ECHO Power Blend at 50:1 while also delivering outstanding wear protection. By using a 100:1 mix ratio, SABER Professional provides the added benefit of cutting oil costs by 50 percent or more compared to using a 50:1 mix ratio.

Experience the SABER’s edge and ensure your two-stroke equipment starts easily and runs strong.

Note: Test results shown here describe and represent properties of oils that were acquired in November, 2016. Results do not apply to any subsequent reformulations of such oils or to new oils introduced after completion of testing. All oils were available to consumers at the time of purchase. Testing was completed in January 2017.

*All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are developed by AMSOIL for use in the applications shown.